Friday, July 4, 2008

And the Blog goes on

Thing #14

Technorati appears to be a powerful site for those looking for specific blogs, video, photos etc. When I tried a keyword on Technorati I was able to see how many blogs surfaced (actual number) that were related to the keyword and the many forms that this information could be observed. As I continued to investigate I was able to see popular blogs were "Boing Boing" that Tagging has changed over time from simply using tag to identify and organize to determing what is most the popular blogs based on the size of the tag cloud; I hope I am using the terminology correctly!!! I placed Technorati in my delicious bookmarks.

I'm still learning but I am only touching the surface; I will go back to explore.


bookeatersclub said...

Surprised to see that you liked Technorati, it has not been popular with most of the Library2Players. But its easy to see that you have really opened up to this experience, good for you!

not in sync said...

I am a newbie at this, and this is only my third comment on a blog site. But I found technorati easier to view and use also. But for some reason hadn't thought to add it to my delicious bookmarks. Now I will.