Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Freeze Thing # 8


I am still working on perfecting this particular application. I can use the screencast and jing on a regular basis because I am constantly providing step by step website instructions for parents, colleagues and students. Whether I am capturing the page, an image or making a video of the step by step process to the final destination; this will be great.
I decided to use a video showing the online enrollment process for Texas Tech correspondence courses; something that is used quite often. I am really excited about this application because it will simply the process for all involved. Jing was a great tool. I was not able to reduce the video to a thumbnail. I will try this application several times to attempt to do a better job.


L'l Bit said...

I agree this can simplify and streamline lessons you find yourself repeating class to class or year to year!

Mimi said...

I plan on using this tool this year. I found screencast-o-matic to be the easiest to use which is great b/c I want my students to be able to use the tool.

Anonymous said...

I was clicking around on your screenshot and it just disappeared! Haven't done this 'thing' yet, looks kind of hard...