Friday, July 23, 2010

Uploading Thing #11.5

This exercise; 11.5 Things, are the most challenging activites I have encountered. I don't think that I have attended any workshops in the last 5 years that can compare to the quality of information that I have learned through these activities. I am visual and I have included things that I learned in the "23Things" and hopefully I will continue to work on some of the things I am learning now. Top 5 things are: Wordle, Skype, Uploading and embedding video and the educational sites for teaching, Screencast/Jing, and Digital Citizenship. I learned something from each thing but the aforementioned were my best.
I have to mention Second Life because I would like to review this exercise if a class purchases property and has educational parameters for exploration. Second Life was exciting but confusing with the different islands and an assortment of lifestyles and conversations. It was limiting on the free site and confusing when I tried comunicating with others but I can see the potential. It would be beneficial to me if one or several of the things explored were revisited with some kind of instruction during the year; any chance? I hope that our district will continue to offer these things because I absolutely learn more than ever and it's relevant and useful. Please offer something related to these "Things" next summer.

1 comment:

Grendel said...

I have been exploring Second Life, too, and am interested in using it with my students. I have noticed that when chats occur, they are not generally about the Sistine Chapel or whatever other site an educator wants his students to visit. What did you think?