Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Brave new World --- Thing #10

Thing #10
Wow, Second Life is amazing, confusing and limitless. I would like to explore vitual worlds with a tutor. I recreated an Avatar by the name of Case Starship and I explored the mainland and heard conversations, attempted to join groups and almost mastered the movements but what I was able to see and read led me to think that Second world would be great for students'. Teachers could create an envirnment for her class for several classes to collaborate on projects, create identities, jobs, homes etc and simulate our society on some level. Students would be able to understand the financial systems, collaboration, spending, shopping etc. The curriculums would suddenly take on a new image and excitement along with a focus and engagement that would involved more creativity and long term educational value. Second class is economical and if a school or class wanted more indepth learning there is low cost purchases of land to create whatever environment you are seeking. Etiquette, dress codes, appropriate language, parameters; there is so much to explore. As you can see I am a little excited with my limited experience; can you imagine what could happen if I were able to learn more?

1 comment:

Mimi said...

Not impressed by this. I encountered inappropriate people and it was hard to get a handle on. Maybe I need to find a safer virtual world.