Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Shed Thing #1

Thing #1 It's really good to get started; it seems like the most difficult part of any new project is the first step. Now that I am on my way to learning more things; "The Networked Student seems to be an appropriate topic. I will hopefully be networking as soon as I am able to absorb the information that I attempted to understand today. Can a librarian connect students in the manner that I observed on the video; absolutely. Empowering student and teachers will be a more freeing experience as well as more exciting. Shedding textbooks and worksheet while learning to gather information, assessing the info, reading and watching documentaries by the experts and documenting your options sounds like a step into the future. The teacher becomes a guide rather than a lecturer and the student becomes more engaged in the learning process.

1 comment:

Mimi said...

I agree- connectivism places learning in the students' hands so that teachers are a guide. Hopefully we'll see more of this in schools, even down to the elementary level.